Step-by-Step Guide to Growing Goji Berries at Home

Popular superfood Goji berries provide several health advantages including high quantities of minerals, vitamins, and antioxidants. Smoothies, drinks, and snacks sometimes feature these little, red, rather sweet fruits. Growing your own Goji berry plants at home is a terrific approach to consume Goji berries fresh if you love them. Apart from having fresh fruit right at hand, cultivating it is simple and fulfilling. Here's a basic approach to get you going cultivating Goji berries in your own yard or even in containers.

What Are Goji Berries?

Goji berries, also known as wolfberries, are small, red, oval-shaped fruits that grow on a shrub native to China. The plant is famous for being hardy and thriving in a wide range of climates. Antioxidants help the body fight free radicals, which makes the defense system stronger and general health better. Plus, they're full of iron, fiber, vitamins A and C, and other good things for you.

There is a bit of sweetness and sourness to the taste of Goji berries. You can eat them fresh, dry them, or use them in soups and teas. Goji berries are a popular choice for home gardeners as people become more interested in superfoods.

Why Grow Goji Berries at Home?

Goji berries are widely accessible in supermarkets, however they may be fairly pricey when purchased fresh. Growing your own Goji berry plants at home allows you to save money while also ensuring that you obtain fresh, organic berries. Additionally, Goji berry plants are versatile and can grow in a variety of environments, including in pots or directly in your garden.

Another reason to grow Goji berries at home is that they are good for you. You can quickly get fresh Goji berries that you can add to drinks, bake with, or just eat as a snack. Some store-bought Goji berries may have been handled with pesticides or other chemicals, but Goji berries that you grow yourself don't have any.

Choosing the Right Goji Berry Plant

Before you begin, you’ll need to choose the right Goji berry plant. You can buy Goji berry seeds at farms or on the internet. Make sure the plants you pick are healthy and don't have any signs of sickness or bugs. You can grow Goji berries from seeds, yes. The plants might take longer to bear fruit, though.

The Lycium barbarum variety is the most common type of Goji berry plant. The Lycium chinense variety is more small and hardy. Some people like the Lycium barbarum variety because its berries are bigger. Be sure to pick a plant type that will grow well in the room and weather where you will be growing it.

You can grow goji berry plants in the ground or in pots, so they can be used in both big fields and small areas like patios or porches. Just make sure the spot gets a lot of sun and has dirt that doesn't stay soggy.

Step-by-Step Guide to Growing Goji Berries

1. Choosing the Right Location

Choose a spot that gets at least 6 to 8 hours of straight sunshine every day so that your goji berry plants can grow well. Since they like dirt that doesn't stay soggy, stay away from places where water tends to gather. The soil should have a pH level between 6.5 and 8.0, which is slightly alkaline.

If you’re growing Goji berries in pots, make sure the containers have drainage holes to prevent water from pooling at the bottom. Pick a pot that is 18 to 24 inches across so that the fruit plant has room to grow.

2. Planting Your Goji Berry Plant

It is now time to sow your plant or seedlings. Begin by situating the seedlings in a small pot with well-draining soil and gently watering them. Maintain a level of moisture in the soil that is not excessively wet. The seedlings can be transplanted to a larger container or directly into the garden once they have sprouted.

For established seedlings or plants, dig a hole that’s about twice the size of the plant’s root ball. Gently remove the plant from its container, place it in the hole, and backfill with soil. If you’re planting multiple Goji berry plants, make sure to space them about 4 feet apart to allow for proper air circulation and growth.

3. Watering and Fertilizing

Giving goji berry trees regular water is good for them. The weather that is too dry or too wet bothers them. The plants should only be watered deeply and not too often. Let the soil dry out between waterings. Building strong, deep roots will be easier with this.

Fertilize your Goji berry plants once or twice a year with organic compost. This will provide the nutrients needed for healthy growth and fruit production. Avoid using synthetic fertilizers, as they can harm the plant and the environment.

4. Pruning and Maintenance

Pruning your Goji berry plants is important to encourage new growth and ensure that the plant remains healthy. In the early stages of growth, pinch back the tips of the branches to encourage bushy growth. Once the plant becomes established, prune any dead or damaged branches to improve air circulation and prevent disease.

You can also prune the plant to control its size and shape, especially if you’re growing it in a pot. Prune after the plant has finished flowering, but before the fruit begins to form.

5. Protecting Against Pests and Diseases

Although goji berry plants are often resistant to pests, aphids, spider mites, and other invaders can nevertheless affect them. Check the plants often to avoid infestations; eradicate any bugs you come onto. Additionally available for organic pest management are neem oil and insecticidal soap.

Goji berry plants are also susceptible to fungal diseases if they’re kept too damp. To reduce the risk, avoid over-watering and make sure the soil has good drainage. Remove any diseased plant portions and treat with an organic fungicide if you spot any indicators of disease.

When and How to Harvest Fresh Goji Berries

Goji berries are typically ready to harvest in late summer or early fall, depending on the climate and growing conditions. When the berries are ready, they should be hard to the touch and turn a bright red color. To keep the stems from getting hurt, pull the berries off the plant gently.

Fresh Goji berries are a delicious and healthy treat, but if you don’t plan on eating them right away, you can dry them for later use.

Storing and Using Your Goji Berries

Store fresh Goji berries in the refrigerator where they will keep for around one week following harvest. Either a food dehydrator or setting the berries out on a tray in a sunny area can help you dry them. Goji berries dry well and last months in an airtight container. One may have fun with Goji berries in several ways. Smoothies, Goji berry tea, or toss them over salads and yogurt. Additionally used as a snack or used in baking are dried Goji berries.


It's easy and fun to grow Goji berries at home. People who garden at home should grow goji berries if they want to save money or just enjoy fresh, healthy food. You can grow your own Goji berries and enjoy them in many ways if you take some time and care. Grow your own Goji berry garden today and start enjoying this great superfood.