Celeste figs are a medium-sized fruit with smooth, light brown to violet colored skin. Also known as the Sugar fig, the flesh of the Celeste fig has a rich, honey sweet flavor.
Celeste figs are a medium-sized fruit with smooth, light brown to violet colored skin. They have a classic fig shape with a slender stem, tapering neck, and squat bottom. The underside of the fruit has a very small, tightly closed hole or “eye” which prevents fruit rot from bugs and moisture entering the fruit. Celeste figs boast a pastel pink flesh that appears to be heavily speckled with tiny seeds. These “seeds” are actually unfertilized fruit ovaries which give the fig its subtle resin like taste. Also known as the Sugar fig, the flesh of the Celeste fig has a rich, honey sweet flavor. When ripe and ready to harvest the Celeste fig will begin to droop and may even split slightly.
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