PINK CHAMPAGNE, An old variety,. Medium-sized currants are a fascinating translucent pink and have a wonderful flavor that is less tart than red currants and more delicate than black currants! perfect for fresh eating, baking, jellies and preserves. Grow 3 to 5 feet tall and are resistant to mildew and rust. No. 1,1-year Plants. Zones 3-7.
PINK CHAMPAGNE, An old variety is a very old cultivar listed in the catalogue of William Prince’s Long Island, New York nursery since the early eighteenth century. Medium-sized currants are a fascinating translucent pink and have a wonderful flavor that is less tart than red currants and more delicate than black currants! These delicious fruits ripen in late September and are perfect for fresh eating, baking, jellies and preserves. Grow 3 to 5 feet tall and are resistant to mildew and rust. No. 1,1-year Plants. Zones 3-7.
Easy to grow, disease resistant, very sweet, old proven variety