Kiowa Thorny Blackberry Plants

Kiowa Thorny Blackberry

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Quantity in Stock: 724

Product Code: BLK02

Kiowa Thorny Blackberry Plants

Kiowa (Thorny) "Patented" This blackberry has the largest berry size on the market. 30% larger than Shawnee, though yields are not as high as Shawnee. It is still very productive. Berries are firm with excellent flavor. Ripen over a six week period, starting around June 13th. It maintains large size throughout the harvesting period. Plant establishes a hedge row quickly and has good disease resistance. It is resistant to Orange Rust, and somewhat resistant to Anthracnose. Enjoy the bold taste of kiowa blackberry. Grown with passion at Penseberryfarm, this variety delivers exceptional flavor, perfect for fresh eating.